The extraordinary general meeting 2024 will be held on Friday the 12th of December 2024

Right to attend and notice

Those who wish to participate in the extraordinary general meeting must:
       i.         be listed as a shareholder in the share register prepared by Euroclear Sweden AB concerning the circumstances as per the record date of 4 January 2024; and
      ii.         give notice of intent to participate no later than on 5 January 2024. Such notice can be made by e-mail to the company’s e-mail OXEEGM@mollwenden.se or in writing to OXE Marine AB (publ) att. Paul Frick, Metallgatan 6, SE-262 72 Ängelholm.

Länk till kallelse (pdf)
Link to notice (pdf)

Resolution to approve the board’s resolution on a directed issue of shares

Item 7 Resolution to approve the board’s resolution on a directed issue of shares.
Länk till beslut om godkännande av styrelsens beslut om riktad nyemission
Link to the board's resolution on a directed issue of shares

Proxy form

Shareholders who wish to be represented by a proxy need to submit a written and dated proxy form. A proxy form is available through the link below.

Länk till fullmaktsformulär (pdf)
Link to the proxy form (pdf)

The board’s resolution on a directed issue of shares

Styrelsens beslut om riktad nyemission

The board’s resolution on a directed issue of shares

Board of directors’ report

The board of directors’ report referred to in Chapter 13, Section 6 of the Swedish Companies Act regarding events of material significance for the company’s financial position which occurred after the submission of the annual report for the financial year 2022.

Länk till styrelsens redogörelse (pdf)

Link to the board of directors’ report (pdf)

Auditor’s statement

The auditor’s statement in respect of the board of directors’ report referred to in Chapter 13, Section 6 of the Swedish Companies Act.

Länk till revisorns yttrande (pdf)/ Link to the auditor’s statement (pdf) (Swedish only)

Annual report

OXE Marine AB’s annual report for the financial year 2022 with a notation of the general meeting’s resolution regarding the company’s profits or losses.

Länk till årsredovisning (pdf)
Link to the annual report (pdf)