The brand

In keeping with the product branding and name, the shareholders have approved the name change of the Company from Cimco Marine AB to OXE Marine AB early 2020. We also developed a strapline accordingly to match our ambition as an innovative marine company. The brand design and strapline are as follows:

Our brand name OXE pronounced ['əʊ, 'eks, 'i:] (swedish for ox) reflects the fundamental concepts from which all our products have been developed - EnduranceReliabilityPower and Control – all significant attributes of an ox. Using OXE as the brand name also pays tribute to the hard work, time, stubbornness and relentless effort our team has spent to fulfil the demands of the commercial marine market when inventing our products - worthy of end users trust.

The product line

As for our product line, we have of course the OXE Diesel line which ranges from 125hp up to 300hp. Our belt propulsor design not only matches the demands of high torque generated by diesel engines but also by an electric motor. The Company intends to further develop its product range to include a hybrid variant (combustion engine with an electric motor) as well as an all-electric variant. The branding tree of our product portfolio (current and future) is as follows: